Monday, 7 April 2014

The reality of my bilingual journey.... at least for now!

An increasing amount of Italian has been building in our house over the past several months.  Not only the language,  but talk of ways in which we ALL can learn and converse in the language together.

It's been loads of fun sharing what I've learnt during the day with Rob when he comes home.  Some days he is more enthusiastic than others (thanks to a very demanding job), however every now and then he will completely surprise me and instruct me to "spegnere la luce per favore" (turn off the light please).   I think he is quickly learning that if he asks me to do something in Italian he will often get a response IMMEDIATELY and with a lot more enthusiasm and humour!  Maybe it's my initial shock that gets me bounding out of bed to 'spegnere la luce'.... I'm doing it before I have even realised!

Win win i think :-)

Every second week we get the pleasure of having Robs 3 kids come and stay for 4 nights.  The eldest girl at 7 and a half, knows a handful of words in Italian thanks to her beautiful Nonna and Nonno.  However none of them were brought up with the exposure to be able to speak anything more than random words.  No judgement there,  its a huge commitment and takes an extremely conscious decision and then ongoing dedication of the chosen primary carer.   At least 30% exposure out of each day needs to be achieved to ensure there are results.  Support from the partner is also crucial, however when a big chunk of their day is at work, support is all it can be.  Bilingualism isn't for everyone and that is ok too!

The only issue I have seen arise is the good ol' green eyed monster. Jealousy.  Hits us all at the best of times.

Miss 7 seems to have a genuine interest in the culture and has been the only one to have shown interest in any Italian I've been speaking in the home.  I think the fact she just adores her Nonna and Nonno helps!  Now theres only so much you can do over 4 nights (combined with school, homework and dinner etc) however I really wanted to help her feel included in this so she didn't feel left out or that this new baby is going to be getting something she didn't.  Its actually kind of become our little thing (which as a step mum is not something you take for granted) and we have lots of fun together.

Im sure a lot of mums out there have found that teaching a second or third language with their kids has actually be a good bonding experience, and I can totally agree.

She lets me sit up on her bed (the top bunk) and we go through her '7 Italian words of the week'.  Why 7 you ask?  For no other reason than the fact that she is 7 and it sounded good at the time.

We've just started a new week, however we normally leave all the words up until the end of settimana 5!

The words can be removed from the chart so we can pull them all off and play different games with them to get her little brain going.  Sometimes I will;

  • Lay all the cards down on her doona and ask her to point to different words e.g which words means 'the flower' - 'Il fiore', or 'the banana' - 'La banana' or;
  • I'll hold the cards myself and ask her the Italian translation of each word, or;
  • I'll say one of her 7 words in Italian and ask her what it means in English.  I find this one is a good one to kick start the learning.  She can be a bit rusty after such a long period of being away from it, like any of us!!
Like anything, I think the longer we do this and the more Italian she hears in the home, the more she will pick up.  When the baby arrives she will be hearing a lot more, which I think will only motivate her, as long as its done with compassion and the right approach! Fine line. Wish me luck ;-)
We are also planning a trip to Italy in August 2015 which I have know doubt will inspire her, if not all of the kiddies.  

Unfortunately there's only so much we can do given the scenario, but if it is something she wants to pick up herself when she is older, I have no doubt she will. Learning to read and write in English seems to be enough at this age.... which only cements my belief to start young!!  Bring on September baby.

Would love to hear from anyone out there who happens to be reading this blog (this blog is very new so it may just be my mum reading at the moment) haha but to share your experiences with me!

Ciao for now!
Jen xx

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